“Channel trends are always overrated. undeniably something to that. But orga- Social media and other publishing nizations should steer away from creating channels will come and go. Content is the content for the sole reason of joining the key, not the channel you use to post it,” party. Whatever its form, your content Regina adds. must simultaneously bring value to your target audience and your organization. Everything else is secondary. We understand, however, that we live in an increasingly digital world – and with it, an increasing amount of industry The challenge is not so noise – for better or for worse. much the format, but We understand, however, that we live in standing out within the an increasingly digital world – and with formats. it, an increasing amount of industry noise – for better or for worse. To stand out, companies must take strides to create Sergi Garcia CMO content that differentiates themselves Red Points from the competition, as well as cultivate interest and loyalty from internet-savvy consumers and target audiences, who “A lot of content is produced and demand increasingly high-quality everybody fights for the attention of their content. audience,” Marcel says. “You have to deserve that attention and deliver the With differentiation being key, we have best content in your field in order to learned that best-performing content stand out. formats – as well as other variables such as publishing frequency, volume, and You have to deserve that attention channels – often take a “listen first” and deliver the best content in your approach, opening lanes of dialogue with field in order to stand out. your prospects and customers, and involving them in the content marketing This can only be done by diving deep into process, from strategy to execution and the target audience and translating measurement. This is the best proxy for insights into creative and valuable deciding what formats are likely to content. The same creativity is needed resonate with your audience, thus making for the distribution of that content.” your content program a success. Page 16 State of Content Creation 2022

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