An impressive 40% of our experts agree “That’s something we did this year, and it on the power of the form, as it enables was a very interesting experience. During them to build stronger relationships with the pandemic, many people have created prospects and broadens impact potential, an audience on social media. There are with two organizations leveraging one more influencers than ever before. It’s another’s target audiences to increase another new channel that you can conversions. This can be achieved leverage.” through guest blog posts, testimonials, or interviews. The “wisdom, expertise and Jonas van de Poel, Head of Content insights [external parties can bring to Marketing at Unmuted, meanwhile, is your organization are gold,” reads an using this year to make use of Orbit Media blog. “And a few of their collaborative marketing from a slightly nuggets can add serious value to your different angle. “My focus for 2022 is to piece.” make sure content creation for our clients can easily take place without this An impressive 40% of our experts dependency on in-house writers,” he agree on the power of the form, as it says. “This means focusing on enables them to build stronger collaborative content creation where we relationships with prospects ... embody the role of editor more than that of content creator.” In approaching such content, our experts are also expanding the scope of what collaboration means, with some looking to 7 high-profile individuals or organizations to help sell their products or services. Like Content un-gating short-form video, influencer marketing capitalizes on the popularity of social media – and our experts are making use of such partnerships to create brand A blog from content curation awareness and excitement, as well as to company reveals that generate leads. “80% of B2B content marketing assets are gated.” This number is “If your audience belongs to an industry large, but given gated content’s that has clear thought leaders – people potential for lead generation, is who influence decision-making – then why wouldn’t you want to use them?” asks unsurprising. Sergi Garcia, CMO of Red Points. Page 12 Contentoo Industry Report

Contentoo Report State of Content Creation 2022 - Page 12 Contentoo Report State of Content Creation 2022 Page 11 Page 13