By requiring target audiences to provide lean away from it, opting instead to personal details before downloading a release their content for free, with no typically long-form asset such as a white strings attached. While this tactic may paper or trend report, organizations are not be ideal from a lead generation able to quickly and easily gather standpoint, it drastically increases information about – and means of direct content reach. contact with – potential customers. It also acts as a solid foundation on which “We believe in offering the public as to build a content strategy. Assets that many relevant brand touchpoints as are most commonly downloaded are seen possible as they move through the funnel as more valuable, providing marketing until they’re ready to buy, so that then decision-makers with direction and focus you’re at the top of their minds,” Sergi for future content. says. “It’s not about the leads you can generate, it’s about the marketing- On the other hand, gated content doesn’t sourced revenue you can provide. Also, play well with SEO and brand awareness. when un-gated, all of your content Which is why, in 2022, we are noticing becomes indexable for search engines, organizations – and 35% of our experts – which brings more traffic you can convert.” The real magic is in understanding why we are gating a piece of content? If the answer is, ‘So we can get more names for sales people to call, that’s a bad reason. Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Office at The Content Advisory, adds to this, urging organizations to think strategically about the types of content that are gated, and those that are not. “The trouble is that it’s usually a binary argument: do or don’t. The real magic is in understanding why we are gating a piece of content? If the answer is, ‘So we can get more names for sales people to call, that’s a bad reason. Page 12

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