11 advantages of outsourcing content creation

By Ludo Thörig, reading time: 4 minutes

Content marketing is a powerful tool for achieving many business goals, from raising brand awareness, to building trust, to boosting conversion. But creating high-performance content takes time and expertise. 

Most companies today have turned to outsourcing content creation to help them reach their marketing goals: A 2020 study found that 84% of B2B brands and 55% of B2C now rely on outsourced content creation talent. 

Those brands have already discovered the many benefits of outsourcing content creation. Let’s dive into some of the top advantages that you can expect when outsourcing your content projects.

In this article, we’ll cover: 

  • 11 major benefits to outsourcing your content creation
  • Powerful reasons why the world’s top brands rely on outsourced content creation talent
  • How outsourcing helps you overcome common content marketing challenges 
  • How outsourcing saves time, boosts efficiency and helps you do your job even better

11 good reasons to outsource your content creation

So, why are the world’s leading brands all shifting their focus towards outsourcing content creation? It’s because they’ve discovered powerful strategic advantages like the ones we list below:

1. Outsourcing saves you time

Writing a news article, a white paper or even a well-crafted social media post can take hours of research, writing and editing. By delegating those tasks to experienced professionals, you free up valuable time.


2. Outsourcing adds more value to your content

Original, professionally written content always reflects well on your brand. It showcases your company’s thought leadership and helps you build all-important trust with your target groups. Professional content creators specialise in creating rich, high-quality content that truly adds value. 

Good quality also makes your content more visible on Google: Helpful pages that answer users’ queries generate more organic traffic and rank higher in search results.


3. Outsourcing gives you a steady supply of content

Quality should always be the main focus of your content creation. But quantity matters too. A study of 13,500 B2B and B2C companies found that companies with over 400 posts on their blog generate three times more leads through blogging than companies with just 0 to 100 posts. 

Bringing in external help enables you to create a regular stream of original content. This means you can maintain a fuller content creation schedule and publish more frequently.


4. Outsourcing is cheaper

As you know, content creation is time-consuming. Most companies lack the budget to hire a team of full-time content writers. Outsourcing involves far fewer costs than hiring permanent employees (no employer tax, social security, insurance costs, holiday pay, etc.). When you outsource, you pay for exactly what you need, and nothing more.


5. Outsourcing is more flexible

In addition to being cheaper all-around, outsourcing is also more flexible than working with in-house writing staff. Say you want to update your company’s blog once a week and create a white paper once each quarter. That’s a lot of work, but it’s certainly not enough to justify having a full-time content creator. With outsourcing, you can simply delegate your content creation tasks to suit your schedule.


6. Outsourcing is more scalable

Along with the flexibility also comes the ability to quickly increase or decrease your content creation output. Say your company is expanding into a new market. You need to quickly create new content and transcreate and localise existing content. Or what if you want to amplify your output during your company’s peak season or a special event? By outsourcing, you can bring in as many content creators as you need to get the job done.


7. Outsourcing brings fresh perspectives

Professional content creators come from a wide variety of backgrounds. They bring diversity, fresh perspectives and new ideas to your content. Many of them worked previously as insiders in your industry too, so they have a deep understanding of what makes your customers tick.


8. Outsourcing expands your range

Each type of content requires a different skill set. By outsourcing, you have access to a wider talent pool. That means you can find content creators who specialise in the writing styles and channels that you want to use, whether it’s blogging, long-form content, news articles or social posts, just to name a few.


9. Outsourcing enables you to focus on strategy

We all have different talents and interests. If you’re a marketing manager, chances are you love developing marketing strategies, monitoring performance and fine-tuning campaigns. Outsourcing your content creation frees up more time for you to focus on those important, enriching activities, so you can add more value to your department and your company as a whole.


10. Outsourcing makes your life easier

If you’re like most professional marketers, you could probably use a break! Marketing is a fast-paced, constantly changing, busy field of work. Another benefit of outsourcing is that it simply lightens your workload, so you and your team members find more satisfaction and face less stress at work.


11. Outsourcing a better investment

Lastly—and, from a business perspective, perhaps most important of all—outsourcing delivers a better return on your marketing investment. You enjoy all the benefits described above, plus produce more engaging content that helps you reach your goals faster, more affordably and more efficiently.

Start reaping the benefits

Outsourcing content creation is a proven method, trusted by leading marketers in every industry. Now that you’ve seen the benefits, you can probably imagine how outsourcing can help you and your team too. 

 If you’d like to learn more about Contentoo’s unique perspective on the state of content today, be sure to download our free Trend report and book your free demo today.